Friday, 14 September 2018

Remove everything but the octopus in the following image

     Initially I used Ctrl + O to open the image in Photoshop. Next step I used Quick Selection Tool in the toolbar. Then I moved the entire octopus and added the Alt button to remove everything except the octopus.

6 shortcuts SPECIFIC to Photoshop

1. Ctrl + N : Create a new file

2. Ctrl + C: Copy

3. Ctrl + S : Save your file

4. Ctrl + Z : Go back to the previous step

5. Ctrl + Shift + E: Merge all layers

title of 3rd infograph:A research project on President Barack Obama

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

title of 1st infograph: My future


1. What is an infograph?
An infograph is visual representation of theme, data, graphics or information. An photograph include graphics, text and design.

2. 4 infograph


Friday, 7 September 2018

What to Learn - in - Information Technology?

       1.  What do you already know?
         Last year I learned write code and used Animate to masking something such as car, river,... Then I was playing Minecraft to create the images.



      2.  What do you want to learn?
         I want to learn Photoshop because I want to know how to create unique photos.

      3.  How will computers fit into your future?
          I think I will be a programmer in the future so the computer will be an indispensable thing to me.